Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Sejuta Backlink Gratis

Mungkin sebagian besar Blogger sudah tau apa manfaat dari backlink,ini adalah salah satu Optimasi SEO offpage. Semakin banyak BackLink ke web atau Blog kamu maka akan semakin baik pulalah web kamu dimata GOOGLE. Ujung-ujungnya, web mu akan dibanjiri pengunjung karena keywordmu berada dihalaman pertama Google ( jika kamu bisa memilih Keyword yang bagus).

Selain itu, tentunya PAGERANK dari blogmu juga pastinya akan naik.
Mau tahu Cara cepat update PageRank di Google? Makanya jangan pernah menganggap remeh penyebaran produk dengan pemasaran sistem Multi Level Marketing? Dan dalam postingan kali ini saya mau mencoba mengajak kamu semua untuk memanfaatkan kedahsyatan faktor kali dan kecepatan penyebaran ini dalam bentuk backlink.

Caranya gampang kok, Yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel kamu

Mufid Blog
3.Trick and tips blogger
4.Tips Fengshui
5.Blog Akupuntur
6.bugar sehat
7.Info Kesehatan
9.Tutorial Blogger

10.Ramalan Bisnis
Tapi ingat, sebelum kamu meletakkan link diatas, kamu harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10).

(Ulangi lagi bacanya jika kamu belum mengerti)
Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah :

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang kamu inginkan. Dari sisi SEO kamu sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline kamu mengklik link itu, juga membuat blog kamu mendapatkan traffik tambahan.

Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel ini di halaman postinganmu, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link blog/website kamu di posisi 10. Ingat, kamu harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika kamu tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link kamu akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.

PS: Jika kamu curang, maka orang lainpun akan berbuat curang. Dan kita tidak akan dapat backlik apa-apa. Jadi, kita berpikir positif dan sederhana saja.Jangan Cuma dibaca. Cepat COPAS, dan LET'S DO IT
GET 1.000.000 FREE BACKLINK GO... GO... GO... !!!!

Perhatian, untuk menjaga sportifitas dan tidak merugikan orang lain, tolong lakukan sesuai persedur. Ajak teman-temanmu sebanyak banyaknya untuk membuat Backlink ini.

Salam BackLINK dan tetap damai...

Selasa, 20 April 2010

How to create a Photo walk

The current photo on the blog is very interesting to watch. how to make it? yupz .. In a post this time I will explain how to create a photo walk on the blog. Same as the current text that runs this image also uses the effects of the marquee. yach ajah direct our practice. hehehehe Follow these steps to create an image of walking on the blog
Copy Paste the following code into your blog:

Description replace the blue link with the link where you put a picture, for example just image you've taro at flickr.com.

Create Picture berjaln From left to right
Copy paste the following code into your blog:

Exterminate Virus Manually

This paper aims to eradicate new viruses and virus Indo undetectable by antivirus that is used on the computer. And also create a bad mood if I have to scan the computer for hours looking for the virus this way but at least 10 minutes was wrong. May be useful and beneficial. For netter who likes computers affected by viruses, the following guidelines may be useful below. In theory this could kill 90% in circulation, only the macro virus (word, excel) and viruses that destroy files (EXE extension) are difficult to be cleaned this way, although transmission can be prevented. Eradicate Virus With Windows Command
When you feel netter computer virus, trojans and spyware (in this case we categorize it as a virus aja), usually with an indication there that do not normally display on the desktop and browser program used. Should immediately take the following steps: 1. Stage One, Turn off the Virus in Memory
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to display the Windows Task Manager - Then to the "Processes", then click the "User Name" to sort the files that are processed in memory. After that, see any part of any suspicious or not. When many are on-loading at the memory, should be turned off before the automatic startup that was loading at the bottom right (the speaker icon and the clock). Turn off all the icons in a way "quit" or "exit" from the program.
Loading into memory the virus is usually a EXE file. This step is to prevent the virus to spread in advance through our memory. Turn off all EXE files are loading in our memory that we have previously sorted based on the "User Name". Do not turn off file category "System", "Local Service", and "Network Service", because it can make our system Hang or Freeze.
2. Second Stage, Non-enable Virus at Startup To disable the virus so that no terloading into memory, we have to throw it in the startup. How we can use the MSCONFIG command, click Start menu> Run> msconfig - after which it will show "System Configuration Utility". Then choose "Startup", in this case should netter who do not understand where the loading which is not a virus, you should select "Disable All". New netter later reactivate the desired startup if the virus is completely clean.
When the netters who understand where files are loading the necessary files, and what is not, or where the virus or not, should menbuang stain (check box) in the box to the left of the suspected virus. This will disable the virus in our startup.
3. Third Phase, Delete Files from Computer Viruses Find out by using the "search" in Windows, click Start> Search, then look for the virus EXE file (example: Happy.exe) before loading on the memory or startup. This file is usually stored by the author in the Windows or System32 folder of Windows. Once found, delete or remove the file.
4. Fourth Phase, Remove Virus from the System Registry This stage is the last stage. We must use the command REGEDIT to change and to delete the virus from our registry. Choose Start> Run> regedit - then to "Edit" menu select "Find" (or press Ctrl + F). Enter the name of the virus file that we want to delete (examples: Happy.exe), then select "Find Next". If found virus files, delete all the registry that contains the virus (if there follows a folder).
Then continue by pressing the "F3" or in the menu select "Edit" continue "Find Next". Usually the virus file is placed at several places in the registry. So be sure to remove everything to clean netter, in the sense that the computer registry free from loading the virus. Because if not this job will be in vain. Help Eradicate Viruses With Other Programs
There are some very useful tools for netters to facilitate eradication of viruses, among others:
CProcess - Tools of this function, like "Windows Task Manager" (Ctrl + Alt + Del). This is very good tools to identify where the virus or not because it contains detailed information on files that terloading in memory. As examples of the correct file (not a virus) are always written to the company name (example: Windows-Microsoft Corp.).
This hijack - Tools are very good at all as a substitute command MSCONFIG. Often times we are permissions deadly virus to the MSCONFIG so that we can not remove virus file that was loading when startup. Now this program serves to replace the MSCONFIG that can not be active. Besides that this program could detect more detailed like spyware that we inject in the browser (BHO), and can turn it off ..
CCleaner - Tools on this one apart is useful to replace the command REGEDIT, also can clear the virus in the registry automatically. Also CCleaner can also speed up access to your Windows by cleaning all the garbage in your registry.
PCMAV - PC Media antivirus program has proved very effective to remove viruses Indo sometimes like to rese.
AVG 8 Free Edition - free antivirus program that is very powerful to overcome the virus from abroad.
Process Explorer This software ... same as CProcess. Each process was given a certain color in order to easily detect and differentiate between processes. No need to install, can direct the road.

How to Incorporate Facebook to Blogger Profiles

It feels incomplete if we do not yet include a photo and a profile of us who are on facebook, but this time I'll tell you all about how to incorporate our facebook profile into our own blogs, in this dawah order our facebook profile how to incorporate into your blog:
1. go to facebook profile 2. see below the list of badge for a friend is writing a profile 3. click for a new badge 4. Coffee code shown on profile badge 5. open account, our blog 6. click the layout, select the page element 7. Add Gadged, select the HTML / Java Script 8. give the title my profile 9. Paste the code shown on profile badge

Quick Ways To Blog To Index In Google

The blog quickly was in the search engine index (seach engines) is the desire almost every blogger. yes because our new blog so that we make can exist in the ranks / listing of search results on search engines. I have a little experience nich. want to tell us a bit before IIA hehehehe. Nich first time I started nge-blog 1 blog that I have my school blog, my blog is a long time been gi google index that is about almost 1 month. that time I add / submit my blog link to www.google.co.id / addurl / But when I create a blog to 2 in just 4 days my new blog has been indexed in google. 2nd mode at that time I use is by adding the url of my blog to http://blogsearch.google.com/ping. So if you want a new blog too quick index on google Submit / add your blog url in http://blogsearch.google.com/ping. So my little experience. hehehe. new blog sooner hopefully you were in google index.

How To Install Deep Freeze

Some time I ever post about Deep Freeze, Well now I want lanjutin neh about how to install Deep Freeze itself.
How to install DeepFreeze is very easy, just follow these steps aja: 1. Open the file Deep_Freeze_Standard_6.00.020.1523.exe so a new installation process will commence 2. Check drive anywhere that will freeze, usually just a checked drive C because there we install operating systems in place 3. Click next next next and wait until the computer restarts automatically. 4. After the computer starts again, there will be a question whether you want to set a password? Click yes aja 6. Fill in the password that is easy dihapal, do not forget because it can be complicated ne klo forget. 7. Completed
Inside Deep Freeze uses two status we need to remember, namely the status of Frozen and thawed status.
Status mode where Frozen is our computer in a frozen state, so that whatever happens on the drive that had been frozen will be the same again when the computer restarts. In this case if the virus entered into the system will also be lost again when we restart the computer. In addition, if we try to erase existing files on the drive that is frozen, then the file will re-appear after the computer is restarted. Characteristics of Frozen status is active can be viewed on the tray icon picture white bear without a cross flashing.
Status mode where the computer is thawed we can modify the files or systems in place, so this mode is normally switched on when we will install the software into a drive that has been frozen. The characteristics of the thawed active status that is can be seen on the tray icon picture white bear with a cross flashing.
To change the status of existing DeepFreeze and easy way, namely:
1. Tap on the keyboard Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F6 so the password window comes charging 2. Fill in your password correctly, so will go into the menu DeepFreeze 3. On the boot tab control seen a "Status on Next Boot", we choose to replace the boot Frozen Frozen status after the restart, or select boot thawed to change to the status of thawed after the restart. 4. If the status is dipillih then click Ok and restart your computer.
Applications can be uninstalled DeepFreeze also the same as other software, so if you do not get along with this application can uninstall it, it's easy anyway, how that is:
1. Change Status DeepFreeze be thawed status. 2. Open the file you have downloaded Deep_Freeze_Standard_6.00.020.1523.exe. 3. Click Uninstall and wait until the computer will restart automatically 4. Completed
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